Since I firmly believe that blogging is a unheard of endeavor sure to catch on some day and offer a brand new kind of cultural discourse, I, Andy Canadian, give you this, the new internet home for my whining about the death of American culture (as if the whining in my music wasn't bad enough).
Much in the same way Harold Bloom argues that all great writers consciously situate themselves on a continuum with the great writers of the past, I too have looked for blog inspiration:
Coincidently, I should note that "Continuum" is the name of John Mayer's latest record. There will be copious John Mayer slagging off in this blog. I titled one of my songs "Standing on the Shoulders of the Carcass of John Mayer" after all.
So hopefully, my incendiary prose has left you you titillated beyond all reason. Do yourself a favor: take a deep breath, fix yourself a white Russian (or another appropriate alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink), and prepare for a guided tour of the cultural end of days...