Wednesday, October 22, 2008

"Why Obama" Essay by Jim on Largehearted Boy blog!

Jim Foley, bassist extraordinaire for CI, has written an essay on why he supports Barack Obama that has been published on the Largehearted Boy blog. You can check it out HERE.

Canadian Invasion in the Philly Daily News!

CI's phanaticism for the Fighting Phils is well-documented, and you can add to the record this article from the Philadelphia Daily News. In the article Jim talks about CI's Phillies fight song and his favorite Phillies memories. It's also worth checking our for a picture of me and Jim in front of a Phillies shrine we assembled in Jim's study. Look out for my 1980 World Series program (partially visible in the pic) and Jim's Rocky poster (a must have for any Philly sports fan).

And, of course, make sure to check out our fight song by watching or downloading it from the blog entry below.

Go Phils!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Three Cheers for Phillies Fight Songs!

CI had the pleasure of recording its own Phillies fight song this weekend, so without further ado, here it is:


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Three Cheers for Melinda the Martian!

Melinda the Martian is the world's greatest graphic designer/video artist. Not only did she create the album cover for our new record, THREE CHEERS FOR THE INVISIBLE HAND, but she's masterminded multiple music videos for the record, including this one for the title track:

If you run into Melinda on the interwebs, make sure to ask her about the Mocktopus!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Three Cheers for the Fightin' Phils!!!!!!

Four more wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!